Terms of service.

Over the years we have strived to become the top auto care company in Greensboro and produce outstanding, consistent results at a reasonable cost. Our techs work extremely hard to achieve these results and in turn we ask that you respect the policies we have in place. Thank you!

- Team Automotive Masters

GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS, TERMS OF PAYMENT, LEGAL FEES, AND DISPUTES: The customer agrees to make full payment prior to the release of the products or vehicle. The vehicle or products will not be released until full payment has been processed accordingly. Any invoice that is not paid at the time of order or delivery is considered past due and the customer is responsible for all collection fees including but not limited to attorney fees and court costs for unpaid balances at the interest rate of 18% per annum. This is not an expectation contract and we are not responsible for buyers’ remorse. By accepting the product or vehicle you are accepting the job as complete and that the performance is satisfactory. You are responsible for inspecting the product and or vehicle upon receipt. Customers shall identify in writing any dispute concerning an invoice within ten days of the date of the invoice. If disputes are not identified in writing within the ten-day time frame the customer has accepted the job and the invoice. Customers must contact Automotive Masters of any and all work in dispute, accompanied by written explanation. After investigation, if an error is found on our behalf we will make appropriate corrections.

Automotive masters is not responsible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles left in vehicle in case of fire, theft, accident or any other cause beyond our control. We do not accept responsibility for consequential damages or loss of any kind related to the sale, installation or deliver of our products. It is the clients responsibility to read our Terms & Conditions available on our website prior to contacting Automotive Masters to perform any services. All quotations are valid for 30 days